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PiratesWeek 11/11/07

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PIRATE RADIO by Andy Yoder on Google books. 975pirateradio Cosmic is moving Pirate's Week to 4PM eastern time Saturdays and adding 4PM Sundays as well.
WAR 93.7 fm is a volunteer run community radio station broadcasting on the FM dial 24/7 out of San Francisco. Check out No Borders Radio. A couple stories about Omeaga One radio from TWIAR and The FCC Enforcement Log.
We go through postings from the FRN and ‭Alt Radio Pirate as well as note stations logged per the Free Radio Weekly
‭Check the UT Radio Club's web page.
Off Air Recordings‭ from the stations of WBNY, ‬Radio Jamba Intnl, and Undercover Radio.
From DX Unlimited an Inverted L antenna with an elevated ground plane for AM broadcasting. And from TWIAR; Rat Shack gos back to it ham radio roots.
check out ‭Dr.Tim's-Piraten-News, a German language news letter.
‭plea for a contributor, win a WBNY T shirt by submitting a new logo or show intro.
‭No show for two weeks, I'm on Vaca.
‭music from the PSMN

‭thanks for listening
‭ RD

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